Tron Theatre Company aims to present theatrical work of the highest possible standard and casting is crucial to achieving that aim.  We occasionally work with casting directors, but the majority of the work we do is cast inhouse by our artistic team and through actor’s agents.

Casting locally: Tron Theatre is totally committed to hiring Scotland based actors for our inhouse productions – with a particular focus on Glasgow and West of Scotland based individuals, supporting Equity’s Cast It Here campaign.  There may be occasions when we seek to cast an actor from outside of Scotland, but such occasions are rare and there must be exceptional circumstances. 

Inclusion: When commissioning new work or staging existing scripts, we are committed to providing inclusive casting opportunities wherever possible, to ensure we are representative of all people in society.  We want to ensure this includes actors from the global majority, D/deaf disabled, trans and gender non-conforming actors, and other members of marginalised communities that are not well represented on stage.  We want the theatre we make to be open to all. We subscribe to the Trans Casting Statement, initiated and led on by Milk Presents, Outbox and the Queerhouse.

Attendance: We are a small team but we try to see as much work as possible in and around Scotland, in professional and student settings.  If you have a show you’d like to invite us to, please give as much notice as possible, and notify us via the email address given below.

Auditions:  There are and will be occasions when individual actors are made direct offers for parts in our productions and the reasons are various.   However, we aim to hold auditions for most parts.  We are committed to working with Scottish Casting Workshop in order to facilitate an open audition process, to keep abreast of the talent pool in Scotland.  While it’s unlikely we will cast directly from these open auditions, it helps broaden our knowledge of who might be suitable for specific roles or opportunities in the future.

Contact: If you’d like to send us your CV or invite, then please email

This email address is not monitored on a full time basis but is checked regularly.  Any CV’s or Spotlight links will be filed and distributed to directors and/or lead artists undergoing a casting process for R&D or production opportunities to consider.  We also recommend applying for open audition opportunities.

Casting: Any performer auditioning for the company will receive notification as to the outcome of their audition following the appointment. We will ask anyone in receipt of a paid role to complete an anonymous EDI monitoring form, that will help us monitor our progress and report to our funders.

Contracting: Tron Theatre has a House Agreement in place with Equity UK for Tron Theatre Company productions. Company Members are contracted in accordance with Equity’s terms and conditions, as per the Equity UK Theatre Subsidised Theatre Agreement.

Future opportunities or changes to this policy will be publicised on our website, and on social media.