How to contact us
Postal Address:
Tron Theatre
63 Trongate
G1 5HB
Stage Delivery & Get-in Address:
38 Parnie Street
G1 5LS
Box Office & Public Entry- on Chisholm Street
0141 552 4267 (Box Office)
0141 552 3748 (Administration)
If you wish to make a complaint, click on the link to review further details on our Complaints Policy.
Where we are:
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Staff List
Artistic Director | Jemima Levick |
Executive Director | Patricia Stead |
Artistic Producer | Viviane Hullin |
Artistic Producer | Laura Clark (maternity cover) |
Assistant Producer | Cait Irvine |
Creative Learning Manager | Lisa Keenan |
Creative Learning Coordinator | Catherine Ward-Stoddart |
Building Manager | Iain MacLeod |
Production Manager | Laura Skinner |
Technical Manager | Alex Hatfield |
Stage Manager | Suzie Goldberg |
Venue Technician | Hana Allan |
Venue Technician | Fi Elliott |
Head of Marketing and Communications | Lindsay Mitchell |
Marketing and Communications Officer | Danielle Gray |
Box Office & Front of House
Head of Venue Management | Khaliq Ahmed |
Duty Managers | Box Office/FOH: Rosie Dahlstrom and Michelle Lynch (Depute); Cafe-Bar: Nay Dhanak and Finlay McGarry |
Box Office General | Enquiries |
Roberta Doyle | Chair |
Julie Chambers | |
Katie Douglas | |
Gillian McCormack | |
Johnny McKnight | |
Ross Nicol | |
Robert Softley-Gale | |
Nicola Walls | |
Please send all written correspondence for the board to:
Board, Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate, Glasgow, G1 5HB.