WOLFIE – Signposting & Support
We acknowledge that the focus on life in and after the cares system in Wolfie and the mental health impact of this may be a trigger for audience members. We have compiled a list of Scottish organisations providing support and advice for care experienced young people; and of those that provide mental health and wellbeing support and information:
Who Cares Scotland – provides independent advocacy services for care experienced young people. Helpline: 0330 107 7540 or help@whocaresscotland.org
Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (STAF) – a member organisation with a dedicated webpage with information on financial support for care leavers and care experienced young people.
Young Scot – for information on benefits, support and places to go for help if you’ve been in care or are a care leaver and/or for information and support about how to look after your emotional well-being and mental health.
The Promise Scotland – website with information about Scotland’s promise to care experienced children and young people.
Barnardos – a charity that protects, support and nurtures the UK’s most vulnerable children. 16+ provides transitional support services to young care leavers in Glasgow on 0141 332 8580 or 16plus.glasgow@barnardos.org.uk or in Edinburgh on 0131 446 7000 or 16PlusEdinburgh@barnardos.org.uk.
Aberlour – a charity that helps disadvantaged children and families have a brighter future.
Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) – information on funding support available to care-experienced students.
Breathing Space Scotland – a free, confidential phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety – 0800 83 85 87.
The Samaritans – offer a range of services, including a free confidential phoneline for anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide – 116 123.
NHS Living Life: Free phone service for those aged 16+ experiencing anxiety, low mood and mild to moderate depression. Guided self-help and cognitive behavioural therapy. (0800 328 9655)
SHOUT: Volunteer-run, 24/7 crises text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis, anytime, anywhere. (Text 85258)
SAMH – provides information and support on mental health. Telephone support available Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm, 0344 800 0550.
Heads Up: Website providing advice and information on mental health conditions – about how you can support yourself or the people you care for, and details of the services and interventions available to you.
Image credit: Mihaela Bodlovic