Writing Applications

with Steph Connell and Viviane Hullin

This performance has taken place in the past

with Steph Connell and Viviane Hullin

Like it or not, writing applications is a big part of making work. Whether it be funding applications or pitching for projects, artists need to be able to sell themselves and their work. This workshop seeks to help participants to embrace and conquer applications and not be scared of them. This crash course will include tips on how to use language, how to use applications to plan projects and how to convince funders and commissioners that you deserve what they are offering.

Participants should come with a project in mind that they can use during practical exercises.

Steph Connell is a Project Coordinator at the Tron Theatre and a freelance producer. She is an experienced application writer with many successful applicants to Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund and Made in Scotland as well as countless Trusts and Foundations across the UK.

Viviane Hullin is Artistic Producer at Tron Theatre and has worked as both a freelance producer and with a number of Scotland’s leading producing theatre companies. She is an experienced application writer with successful applications to Creative Scotland, Made in Scotland, local council funding and securing co-producing partnerships. Viviane is also experienced as an evaluator of applications.

No performances are currently available.
Writing Applications